Monday, May 15, 2006


wiki boom?

Since last year A LOT has changed in the wiki world. Not only wikipedia became one of the most complete information sources on the planet, but people are starting using wikis in a very different way.

Also check trends with google trends for wikipedia and wiki.

But the wiki farm concept is not new et all. The first wiki farm, wikia (service also known as wikicities) started in 2005 and received ~4m$ in venture capital.

Today the most popular wiki farms are: jotspot, pbwiki, wikia, wikispaces, schtuff. And the market growth IS impressive as can be seen on the graph below:

And the scale is just one year!

The services above offer a very wide range of options from simplest wikis (wikispaces) to advanced (wikia, based on MediaWiki) or JotSpot (independent wiki engine + lots of applications).

Wikia is absolutely free and ads-supported. The same goes for wikispaces. All the other offer limited functionality in the free version and monthly fees go even for $180 per month (JotSpot).

PBwiki is claimed to be the largest wiki farm with 70,000+ sites hosted. But most of them are test sites and dead sites that do not get any traffic.

I am quite sure we can still go for the wiki boom although existing wiki farms offer a wide range of solutions. Wikidot will be a bit different from others - it will not only offer "page creation", but "site creation" with realy many features offered for free.

Watch this blog! ;-)


We'll see how this looks in real world :D
Watching and waiting ;-)
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